
night spam

hey say jump - star time

niiiite :D
still 3 weeks left before college starts. which means we still have long enough time to lurk around :D

Lately I've been spending my days by sitting in front of my computer almost all day. downloading stuffs and lurking around to see what peoples are doing. what a dream life for someone like me who doesn't really like staying outside.

news - sakura girl

Since I have much time right now, I've been re-reading old fanfictions I collected from some sites. makes me wonder why I can't make stuffs like that. I mean, I've been trying to make some before but usually, I fail ._.
It's not like I have never finished one though. I actually had a lot of them finished but since I didn't have the courage to post them, I rarely post them anywhere.
But I do have a fanfiction.net account in which I published some of my stories. you may see it if you have time :D
here's the link to my profile:
anmitsu dango

I don't have much fanfiction published there, but I'm planning to post some more soon if I'm not too busy with college stuffs. pray for me XD

GAGAGA SP - hajimete kimi to shabetta

Oh dear, for the love of Kira, my heart sinks a little whenever someone talks about AFA. Know Anime Festival Asia? It's gonna be held in my country on September but I must be really busy at that time :"( really wish I can come, unfortunately it seems like I won't be able to *le cries*
let's just hope they'll come again :D

kat-tun - one drop

 Kill me for the lack of translation I post. I have a lot of time yet I rarely post anything in this blog. sorry m(_ _)m
I translated some songs recently but I'm not quite confident with them yet. I'll post them after some corrections. And for anyone out there who reads my blog and understands Japanese, don't be hesitated to correct my translations, I know I got so much mistakes. Oh, and, you may request what song you want to be translated. Just tell me the song title and the artist, and if possible, give me the mp3 download link as well. I'll try my best to translate them :D

mblaq - baby u!

I'm trying to translate a song right now. If it's good enough, I will immediately post it. Wish me luck :D


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